Tips and Tricks


Tips & Tricks

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Windows 10 ISO files downloaded from Microsoft or other sources. They will often have descriptive names, such like en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_april_2020_x64_dvd.iso. The file name already gives a lot of information, like the language, version, build editions and...


In environments where you have a lot of different windows 10 versions spread accros the organisation you may need to target specific versions with a certain policy. For this purpose it can be convenient to have Azure Ad Groups for this. You don't want to do this manually. Certainly if the goa...


It's not always possible to get the required file from your hardware supplier to register your devices in autopilot. There are a number of ways you can help yourself get around that. One way is to create a CSV yourself with the help of the powershell cmdlet Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo. In the...